Task Manager Pro - Task Management Plugin For Wordpress


{inAds} Task Manager Pro is a full and functional task management plugin for Wordpress.

The plugin included following features:

  • Task, Project and Ticket Management

  • Time tracking features for the particular task

  • User management

  • Multiple Language Support

  • Task/Project user update notification

What our customers say about this plugin,

Customer Feedback

Customer Feedback

Customer Feedback

Customer Feedback

Task Manager Pro Features

Update Log:

-- 3.9.1 (9th January 2024) ---
- FIXED: Change Task Boards on Popup
- IMPROVEMENT: Project task details

-- 3.9.0 (6th January 2024) ---
- FIXED: board visible issues
- FIXED: task count on the board
- FEATURE: Add or remove additional board items
- IMPROVEMENT: Adding new task to board functions

-- 3.8 (29 Dec 2023) ---
- FEATURE: Added A New Task board design
- IMPROVEMENT: Design Improvement on task popup and management functions.

----- Version 3.7.0 ----
- FEATURE: Task Details New Design
- FEATURE: Added Easy option to manage tasks
- FEATURE: Time tracking improvement
- FEATURE: Task attachment management option
- FEATURE: Added sub-tasks or check-lists feature
- IMPROVMENT: Exiting feature improvement including tasks, projects, boards, etc.

----- Version 3.6.26 ----
- FIXED: Task and ticket export functions
- FEATURE: Optimized for PHP 8.0 and Wordpress 6.3.1

----- Version 3.6.35 ----
* RESOLVED & IMPROVED: Media Upload issue on the comment section
* FEATURE: Added comment delete option

----- Version 3.6.34 ----
* RESOLVED: XSS security vulnerabilities On task-edit, task-details, and project-details pages.
* RESOLVED: XSS issues for adding comment input for a particular task details page.
* IMPROVED: SQL injection for the task details page.

----- Version 3.6.30 ------
* Fixed Date format Issues
* Added Kanban Board
* Fixed Currency symbol issues
* Time Tracking options

----- Version 3.4.1 ------
* Email notification issue fixed for task and projects
* CSS design fixes for latest version of wordpress
* SMTP mail setup option

----- Version 3.4.0 ------
* Added Assigned role for Create, Read and Update

----- Version 3.3 ------
* Plugin Deactivation behavior changes
* Plugin Uninstall changes to revoke table delete

----- Version 3.2 ------
* Upgrade Ticketing system from Front-End
* Improve design layout for Dashboard

----- Version 3.1 ------
* Some Design Fixes for MAC

----- Version 3.0 ------
* Added some design css
* Fixed task comment image issues.

----- Version 2.5 ------
* Added Arabic language support

----- Version 2.4 ------
* Added Search functionalities and task details page back button

----- Version 2.3 ------
* Added Export Functionalities for tickets

----- Version 2.2 ------
* Added Export Functionalities for task and project
* Added task type field in the task table list
* Added clone/duplicate project including all tasks.

----- Version 2.1 ------
* Change task menu labels and some admin(back-end side) fixes.

----- Version 2 ------
* Added task view setting option to hide completed task.

----- Version 1.5.1 ------
* Added file attachment options on comment

----- Version 1.5 ------
* Some improvement as user requirements.
* Fixed all existing bug/errors

----- Version 1.4 ------
* Added multiple user assign option from Setting section.

----- Version 1.3.2 ------
* Added all user adding ability for Manage User Page

----- Version 1.3.1 ------
* Add user to group - multiple adding features added.

----- Version 1.3 ------
* Added Project and Task badge count for admin menu

----- Version 1.2.1 ------
* Added Media Upload Option on task/project

----- Version 1.2 ------
* Added Global setting for notification option
* Added contributor role image/media upload option
* Added global role - Minimum role(contributor) requirement for TMP

----- Version 1.1 ------
* Added Notification Reminding Option
* Multiple Language Support

----- Version 1.0 ------
* Initial Version Stage

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Compatible BrowsersIE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Software VersionWordPress 6.4.x, WordPress 6.3.x, WordPress 6.2.x, WordPress 6.1.x, WordPress 6.0.x, WordPress 5.9.x, WordPress 5.8.x, WordPress 5.7.x, WordPress 5.6.x, WordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 5.2.x, WordPress 5.1.x, WordPress 5.0.x
Compatible WithElementor, Gravity Forms, Layers WP, WP EasyCart, WPML, Bootstrap 5.x, Bootstrap 4.x
Demo URLhttps://envato.w3bd.com/tmp/
Gutenberg OptimizedYes
High ResolutionYes
Files IncludedJavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP
Video Preview Resolution1376x770

{getCard} $type={download} $title={Download Task Manager Pro - Task Management Plugin For Wordpress} $info={Get Free File} $button={Download Free}

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